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The ambassadors from Latvia will soon change

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    Next week the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs will next week hand out letters of accreditation to the Latvian ambassador at the Permanent Representation to NATO Māris Riekstiņš who was withdrawn from the post of ambassador to Russia at the beginning of this year. When he returned to Latvia, he was the ambassador for special tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    He has already been a Permanent Representative of Latvia to NATO, and he fulfilled these duties from 2011 to 2015.

    Latvia's ambassador to Lithuania will be the former President's advisor Solvega Silkalna, replacing the former ambassador, the long-time diplomat Indulis Bērziņš.

    Latvia's ambassador to the United Nations in New York will be Sanita Pavļuta-Deslandes, who will replace Andrejs Pildegovičs in this post. Until now, Pavļuta-Deslandes was the ambassador for special tasks and the head of the secretariat for the candidacy of Latvia at the UN Security Council.

    The President of Latvia will also hand out letters of accreditation to the Latvian ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dana Goldfinča, who has previously worked as a foreign advisor to the Prime Minister. She will replace the former envoy to the UAE Atis Sjanīts.

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    Article information

    Author: Rebecca Parker

    Last Updated: 1703520841

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    Author information

    Name: Rebecca Parker

    Birthday: 1983-06-18

    Address: 394 Ramos Roads Apt. 447, Robertmouth, AK 88712

    Phone: +3507553259129458

    Job: Actor

    Hobby: Photography, Bird Watching, Sailing, Running, Traveling, Playing Guitar, Cycling

    Introduction: My name is Rebecca Parker, I am a risk-taking, resolved, expert, lively, resolute, persistent, apt person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.