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Some of You Seem Hot Enough for Tinder to Pay $500 Per Month, They Say

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    Image: Boumen Japet (Shutterstock)

    Image: Boumen Japet (Shutterstock)

    Having trouble finding the love of your life on Tinder? Don’t dig deep and work on yourself, just fork over $500 every month to the platform to find your soul mate.

    Tinder recently announced that it will be rolling out an ultra-premium membership for its most active users for the low price of several hundred dollars every month, reports Bloomberg. The program is called Tinder Select and is invite-only. The outlet reports that only the most active part of the platform’s user base, about 1%, was selected to join. While invitations were already sent out, the company will reportedly open applications on a rolling acceptance basis. Tinder Select will include member-only features like souped-up search, matching, and conversation capabilities.

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    Charging users for a dating app is nothing new, but it does call into question who really is picking your significant other: you or a faceless corporation. Hinge previously told Gizmodo that it “[does] not withhold possible matches from users” in the sense of shadow-banning those looking for love. Despite this, Hinge users will frequently point to Rose Jail as evidence of the contrary. Rose Jail is jargon in which the app paywalls your most likely matches behind a tier that you can only access by sending them a digital rose. Users on Hinge get one rose for free every week and are encouraged to pay $3.99 for more.

    Update September 25 3:00 p.m. ET: This article was updated to include Tinder’s response to Gizmodo’s request for comment.

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