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Dogecoin Price Prediction: When will DOGE hit 20 cents?


Dogecoin is consistently one of the hottest candidates for massive gains in a short span of time. In the first few weeks of the year, the crypto currency’s increases were limited. But in the coming weeks, Dogecoin could be one of the big winners. Can DOGE reach 20 cents by the end of March?


    What is Dogecoin?

    Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2013 as a lighthearted joke by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. The name and logo of Dogecoin are based on the popular “Doge” meme, which features a Shiba Inu dog with captions written in broken English.

    Despite its origins as a joke, Dogecoin has gained a large following and community of users who appreciate its friendly and fun-loving nature. Dogecoin operates on a decentralized blockchain, similar to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but with faster transaction times and lower fees.

    How did Dogecoin Perform in the last few weeks?

    The Dogecoin price has seen a stronger increase in recent weeks. With the turn of the year 2022 / 2023 things went up in principle. At that time, the price was $0.07 and rose sharply in the first few weeks of the year. At the beginning of February 2023, the Dogecoin price was $0.097. 

    Dogecoin (DOGE) price in the last 3 months, source: gocharting.com

    In the last few weeks, however, DOGE price has fallen slightly again. Mid-month, we saw a slight drop to $0.08. In the last few days, the Dogecoin price rose again slightly and reached a price of 0.086 dollars. However, we must remember here that the DOGE course was already at $0.11 at the beginning of December.

    exchange comparison

    Will Dogecoin outperform other Cryptos?

    Dogecoin is known as a meme coin for seeing massive increases in a short period of time. These rallies are typical of bullish phases in the overall market. However, Dogecoin has not risen as much as other coins in recent weeks. Bitcoin, which is considered to be much more stable, has also seen stronger increases since the turn of the year.

    We have to keep in mind that the Dogecoin price saw a big rally in December. The price often realigns itself with the overall situation of the market. Because in the medium and long term, the Dogecoin price has stabilized compared to the overall market in the past. 

    Can DOGE reach 20 cents soon?

    After the rather weak increase in the Dogecoin price compared to other cryptocurrencies, the DOGE price could rise again more sharply in the coming weeks. 

    Above all, we have to monitor the situation on Twitter. Elon Musk could actually accept Dogecoin as a means of payment in the coming weeks or just promote the DOGE through memes. That should trigger a strong Dogecoin rally.  

    Should another Dogecoin rally follow, a price of 0.20 dollars can no longer be ruled out in the coming weeks. But as always, an investment in Dogecoin is always speculation.

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