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Bello Maitama Yusuf, a remarkable leader of Nigeria, is mourned by the Gombe government

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    Nigeria lost remarkable leader — Gombe gov mourns Bello Maitama Yusuf

    The Chairman of Northern Governors’ Forum and Governor of Gombe State, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, has mourned the  death of a distinguished elder statesman and former Minister during the Second Republic, Sen. Bello Maitama Yusuf (Sardaunan Dutse), saying the country has lost a remarkable leader.

    Maitama Yusuf died in the early hours of Friday at his residence in Kano after a brief illness. 

    Reacting to tje demise, Governor Inuwa described the late Sardaunan Dutse as a patriot, seasoned politician, distinguished parliamentarian, and a respected northern leader who utilized his influence and wisdom in the best interest of the region and Nigeria as a whole. 

    According to him, “Alhaji Bello Maitama Yusuf’s life was marked by an exceptional commitment to the service of our great nation. His legacy is one of commitment and dedication to the development and unity of our great country. The North and Nigeria, as a whole, have lost a remarkable leader. 

    The Governor also stated that, “The late Sardaunan Dutse was not just a figure in politics; he was a man of the people who championed the cause of his constituents with unmatched fervor and integrity.” 

    “His contributions to the political landscape, his advocacy for the welfare of the people, and his embodiment of the values that make the North and Nigeria stronger will continue to be remembered and cherished,” he added.

    Inuwa Yahaya added that, ” Our thoughts and prayers are with the immediate family of the deceased during this difficult time. We also extend our heartfelt condolences to the Government and the good people of Jigawa State, as well as the Dutse Emirate”. 

    The Governor then prayed Almighty Allah to forgive the shortcomings of the deceased and reward his good deeds with Aljannat Firdaus as contained in a statement by Ismaila Uba Misilli 

    Director-General, ( Press Affairs)

    Government House, Gombe. 


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